How Job Hunting Will Be Different in 2023


It’s been a weird few years in the world of recruitment. Ordinarily, the supply and demand of jobs follow a predictable pattern throughout the year, but the last few years have been slightly different. Firstly, there was the coronavirus crisis, and then returning to some normality. Next year we would have expected the jobs market to resume its usual pattern. Now that we’re in a recession, there are several ways experts think that job hunting will be different in 2023. Keep reading to find out how.

5 Ways Job Hunting Will Be Different in 2023

Jobhunters may find fewer adverts on the job boards

One of the main ways we expect job hunting will be different in 2023 is that we don’t expect the job boards to be as busy for several reasons. Firstly, during economic downturns, we expect fewer jobs to be advertised as many companies implement hiring freezes.

Secondly, just as in most other areas of the economy, we see price increases; the main job boards have increased their prices significantly. Therefore, many companies and agencies alike may only pay for job listings if it is absolutely necessary.

Candidate applying for jobs on her laptop
Applying for jobs will be different this year, but there are things you can do to make the process much easier for yourself.

Hiring managers may take longer than usual to respond

As companies tighten their purse strings, senior management and human resources will likely want more say in hiring decisions made within their organisations. Unfortunately, more heads involved in decision-making can considerably slow the recruitment process.

Social media activity will count more than normal

With fewer job vacancies being advertised, hiring managers can afford to be pickier than usual. They won’t just be looking for bums on seats, they will want to fill their vacancies with the best available candidates.

As cheesy as it is, individuals who are most active on social media, LinkedIn particularly, will be the ones who stand out to potential employers.

Job hunting will seem much harder

With fewer available jobs, more decision-makers involved and hiring managers taking longer to respond, job hunting will seem much harder in 2023.

It will help to get an application in early

As the economy shrinks, more companies are likely to implement hiring freezes or even make redundancies. The longer you leave it to find a job in 2023, the more challenging your job search will likely be. Therefore, it may work to your advantage if you get an application in over the Christmas period.

Computer keyboard and notepad with note about 2023 goals. This candidate is considering how job hunting will be different in 2023.
If your goal is to find a new job in 2023, you might want to start applying now. Job hunting will be different in 2023.

Our Advice to Jobseekers in the Current Climate

Don’t rely on job boards to find the best available vacancies

As companies and agencies seek to avoid costly advertising fees, job seekers may have to look further than job boards to find job openings. Instead of paying over the odds to advertise on job boards, we expect companies to promote jobs on their company careers pages and social media.

Get in ahead of the competition

Applying for jobs is not something any of us relish over Christmas. However, making the effort to get an application in early will put you ahead of competing candidates. Submitting a timely application might enable you to get a foot in the door before companies start making hiring freezes.

Use recruitment consultants to your advantage

As companies look to reduce their hiring costs, they may rely on recruitment agencies to post job ads on their behalf rather than paying for them themselves. While many applicants fear recruitment agencies, using them can save you a lot of time.

Once a recruitment agency has your details and your permission, they will approach companies on your behalf. Therefore, you can effectively apply for several jobs in the time it takes you to speak to one recruitment consultant.

Give recruiters as much detail as you can

Recruiters often ask many personal questions, which candidates are often reluctant to answer. They don’t realise that the more questions we ask, the better equipped we are to represent you.

It’s only natural to feel uncomfortable opening up to someone you’ve never met. However, being honest with a recruitment consultant can increase your chances of getting your ideal job in 2023.

Candidate meeting with a recruitment consultant
Opening up to recruiters can be daunting but can put them in the best position to help you get your ideal job.

Brush up on interview techniques

Knowing what to expect in an interview can calm interview nerves and help you appear more confident. So have answers prepared to the most awkward interview questions and know what to expect at each stage of the recruitment process.

Prepare for video interviews

Since the pandemic, video interviewing has become commonplace. Before you apply for a job, consider how you might prepare for a video interview. Do you need to tidy your room? Is your internet connection glitchy? Do you live in a hectic shared house; might you need to do it elsewhere?

Considering the above ahead of time will put you under far less pressure should a hiring manager invite you to a video interview.

A Few Final Thoughts on How Job Hunting Will Be Different in 2023

Finding a job might be a more lengthy, challenging process in 2023 than it has been in previous years. That said, IT professionals are still in demand, and digital skills are scarce, so there will still be jobs out there.

A good recruitment consultant can save you untold time and effort in your job search. Not only that, but many candidates who work with recruitment consultants advance their careers more quickly than those who don’t.

It doesn’t cost candidates anything to use a recruitment consultant, it’s the employer who pays the fee. Furthermore, you’re not obligated to use a recruitment consultant once you’ve spoken to them. In fact, they can’t do anything on your behalf without your permission. Why not speak to one of our team, who will be happy to explain how our service works? They may surprise you if you’ve never worked with a recruitment consultant before.



Adria Solutions | IT Digital Marketing Recruitment
Adria Solutions | IT Digital Marketing Recruitment

Written by Adria Solutions | IT Digital Marketing Recruitment

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